A registered charity (CHY 4070) providing mental health services for over 200 years.

Legacy giving

Leaving a gift in your will to support Bloomfield is a way to ensure that your values will live on. Your concern for those living with severe and enduring mental health needs and your determination that their future will be brighter will continue to make a difference and change the lives of some of our most vulnerable.

There are a number of different options when it comes to legacy giving:

Pecuniary gifts

This is a specific sum of money that will be donated to Bloomfield Health Services in your name.

Non-monetary gifts

Non-monetary gifts include assets such as property, shares, artworks, copyright revenues, etc.

Residuary gifts

A residuary gift is a gift given from what remains of a person’s estate after gifts have been bequeathed and all debts, taxes, and costs, etc. have been paid.

Reversionary gifts

If you wish to leave a gift to Bloomfield such as, for example, a piece of property, but wish a named person to have the use of this asset during their lifetime first, you may stipulate that it is to be transferred to Bloomfield, as the reversionary beneficiary, at the end of that person’s lifetime.

As Bloomfield Health Services is a registered charity, your gift will be exempt from inheritance tax. If you would like to discuss legacy giving in more detail, or if you have any further questions, please get in touch.